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Composer and theater-artist John Moran has generally been known as the protege of Philip Glass, after having been discovered by the composer at a young age.  In 2003, Glass was quoted as saying, "I am convinced that there is no more important composer working today, than John Moran. His works have been so advanced to be considered revolutionary."  These strange - and difficult to describe - works of music-theater have featured performers such as Uma Thurman, Iggy Pop, Allen Ginsberg and Julia Stiles, and have toured to critical acclaim internationally.  The Boston Globe has written, "Moran is a modern-day Mozart.", and The New York Times has consistently described his works as "phenomenally imaginative".


Between 2005-2011, Moran created performances for Japanese-born dancer Saori Tsukada, touring extensively under the name 'John Moran and his neighbor, Saori'.    The Guardian (UK) wrote at this time, "There is nothing else like John Moran and Saori...probably not in the entire world."   Since 2012, Moran has been creating and touring a trilogy of unusually simplified performances, called SOLO SERIES, for international touring, which for 2015 is scheduled to be presented in Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Scotland, England and Israel.

Designed for simplicity, the artist transports an audience from an empty stage - and without noticable technology - breaking down walls between stage and reality in ways that critics have described as astounding; "It’s amazing what he can make us 'see' when he is working with only a stool, lighting states and sound effects." -Mayfest Britsol                     And, "It is almost disconcerting, the ease with which Moran appears to leave his body...every aspect of a person is seamlessly brought together in a minutely detailed portrayal." -Venue UK                     


As a composer, the artist uses tight synchronization to pre-recorded voices of actual people whom he has met while touring, plus thousands of skillfully edited sound-effects to create stunning illusions of the mind, when combined with precise gestures and choreography on stage.  The work combines multiple disciplines in ways which are continuously innovative, and the surprising simplicity in the presentation of SOLO SERIES makes it an ideal work for theatrical touring, requiring little set-up or expense to acheive a lush and thought provoking evening of music and theater.

Click for video and more information about SOLO SERIES

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